Walton Lecture, July 14, 2016

Thursday, June 30, 2016

ANNOUNCING:   Walton Lecture, Mountain Lake Biological Station, Thursday July 14


Dear Biologists and Friends of Mountain Lake,

You are cordially invited to the annual Walton Lecture at Mountain Lake Biological Station:

What evolution, ecology and behavior have in common: The organism in the middle
Dr. Ellen Ketterson
Biology Department, Indiana University
Thursday July 14, 8:00 p.m.

Ketterson studies the complex role hormones play in evolutionary adaptation by exploring selection and physiological tradeoffs among reproductive phenotypes and behaviors. She has been studying the dark-eyed junco population here at Mountain Lake for 33 years. Ellen is featured in our spring newsletter, From the Director.


The lecture will be followed by a reception in the Director’s Cottage. Ellen will be in residence at MLBS July 13 - 15.

If you need to spend the night, or join us for a meal, please contact the Station as soon as possible at 540-626-7196, mlbs@virginia.edu or submit a housing request on line at mlbs.org/planvisit. Housing space is limited.  Directions to the Station are at mlbs.org/travel.

Please distribute this announcement (posted at mlbs.org/Walton2016) to students or colleagues you think might be interested. Thank you!

We hope you will join us on the 14th!