
Want to work at MLBS?

Students observingScientists interested in conducting research at MLBS are invited to contact Station staff to discuss potential work. Researchers will be asked to submit a Research Application for review. The Station solicits research proposals that will be well served by the Station's resources, facilities, and ecology, and that do not interfere with ongoing programs. Short Research Reports are requested annually for both finishing and continuing projects. Research, teaching, collecting, or activity of any kind requires permission from the Director. Requests for financial support for research may be made as part of the Research Application. These requests are reviewed on a rolling basis, but priority is given to those received by March 15.

User Handbook (PDF)

Research Programs

Working at MLBS

Projects will be assigned lab space, and will have access to shared facilities, equipment, and computer services. PIs are encouraged to contact the Station in advance to confirm equipment availability and make any special arrangements for facilities use. All residents pay room and board fees when the dining hall is operating (usually mid-May through early August). User fees and space fees also apply. An approved research application is required prior to beginning any kind of collecting or research. Please note that anyone wishing to stay at the station must also complete a housing request to secure a housing reservation.  A liability waiver is also required. Work with vertebrate animals requires special approvals. 

Master's Degree Program

Requirements for the MS degree in Biology at MLBS

Making a Splash?

Have a paper or story coming out in Science, Nature, or some other high profile or general public venue? Please let us know! We maintain a database of publications by Mountain Lake researchers. We also post news items on our web site, Facebook, and Twitter, and relay exciting stories to the UVA Public Relations Office and the Cavalier Daily campus newspaper. Email links or announcements to

Acknowledgment to MLBS

We ask all individuals and institutions that conduct research at the Station or use Station data to acknowledge and/or credit "Mountain Lake Biological Station, University of Virginia" in all publications, presentations, or other products. 

Use of Vertebrate Animals in Research and TeachingMeasuring a bird's wing

All Station users who use vertebrate animals in their work at MLBS must either posses a current and approved UVA Institutional Animal Care and Use (IACUC) Protocol, or provide the material listed below for UVA review.Students researching

Non-UVA IACUC protocols must be received at least 60 days prior to initiation of work. Electronic copies of the following should be submitted by email to the Station:

  1. Vertebrate animal care and use protocol from the PI’s parent institution with signed verification of protocol approval. Protocol must accurately and completely address all the vertebrate work to be conducted at MLBS. 
  2. Two short paragraph statements: PI training and PI experience. This is likely already a part of your protocol.
  3. List of all trainees or animal handlers. This is also likely already a part of your protocol.
  4. Copies of all applicable permits.

This institution (University of Virginia) has an Animal Welfare Assurance on file with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, National Institutes of Health (PHS Assurance #A3245-01). This assurance was renewed on 06/20/2011 and is valid until 06/30/2015.

UVA Laboratory Policies and Safety RegulationsStudents researching

Laboratory users are required to follow University regulations and policies concerning chemical and other lab safety.

UVA Environmental Health and Safety

Permitting Agencies

Station users are responsible for obtaining all required permits before initiating work. Helpful contacts may include:

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
4010 West Broad Street, P.O. Box 11104
Richmond, VA 23230-1104
804-367-9147 (fax)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Migratory Bird Permit Office 
P.O. Box 779 
Hadley, MA 01035-0779 
413-253-8424 (fax) 
Jefferson National Forest
Supervisor's Office, Forest Ecology Section
5162 Valleypointe Parkway 
Roanoke, VA 24019-3050 
Commonwealth of Virginia
Department of Health Professionals, Board of Pharmacy

6603 West Broad Street, 5th Floor
Richmond, VA 23230-1712
United States Department of Justice 
Drug Enforcement Administration, Central Station

P.O. Box 28083
Washington, DC 20038-8083