In Nature's Garden

An Essay Series by Elizabeth Murray, Illustrated by Lucile Walton

Originally published in Virginia Wildlife, 1970-1981 (reprinted here with permission)

In Nature's Garden

The collaboration between Lucile Walton, from Danville, Virginia and Elizabeth Murray, from Charlottesville, Virginia, began at the Mountain Lake Biological Station in 1970. During that summer they prepared an article on the Biological Station, written by Mrs. Murray and illustrated by Miss Walton. The article appeared in the December issue of Virginia Wildlife, the monthly publication of the state Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries (now Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources). For eleven years their articles (89 in total) were published regularly in Virginia Wildlife, dealing usually with some aspect of plant life which is topical for the month in which the article appears. Both Miss Walton and Mrs. Murray spent many of their summers at the Station, and worked together on a variety of publications.
(adapted from 1978 Open House display description)

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