Firestone, Jeffrey (University of Michigan). Mentor: Eric Nagy (University of Virginia). Reproduction in Mountain Laurel: autogamy and competition for pollination.
Gremski, Kristina (Yale University). Mentor: Laura Galloway (University of Virginia). The effect of flower number on geitonogamous pollination in Campanula americana.
Hagen, Erin (Truman State University). Mentor: Diane Neudorf (Sam Houston State University). Nest site location as an extra-pair mating tactic in female Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis).
Hopenstand, Dafna (University of California, Berkeley). Mentor: Joe Casto (Indiana University). A possible mechanism for reduction in male food provisioning to young: Effects of testosterone on the tectofugal visual pathway and on prey detection capabilities in male Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis).
Lehman, Elizabeth (University of Chicago). Mentor: Scott Freeman and Henry Wilbur (University of Virginia). The role of predators in larval stream drift: Unraveling the mystery of the drifting larvae.
Musson, Julia (College of Wooster). Mentor: Janis Antonovics, Michael Hood and Miriam Heuhsen (University of Virginia). The persistence of sporidial Microbotryum violaceum populations in Silene alba.
Refsnider, Jeanine (University of Minnesota at Morris). Mentor: Erica Crespi and Henry Wilbur (University of Virginia). Intersexual foraging differences as a possible cause of early maturation in male redbacked salamaders (Plethodon cinereus).
Simoes, Diana (Oberlin College). Mentor: Brandi Van Roo and Ellen Ketterson (Indiana University). Does territorial behavior vary with degree of parental care?
Terry, Tammy (Texas Tech University). Mentor: Laura Galloway (University of Virginia). The potential for geitonogamy in natural populations of Campanula americana.
Phillips, Emily (College of William and Mary). Mentor: Henry Wilbur (University of Virginia). The effects of tarspot blight (Rhytisma punctatum) on the modular demography of Striped Maple (Acer pensylvanicum).
Wyatt, Julie (Eckard College). Mentor: Henry Wilbur (University of Virginia). The influence of interspecific and intraspecific competition on sexual expression in Striped Maple (Acer pensylvanicum).