Housing Request

  • Housing and meals must be arranged at least 3 business days prior to your intended arrival. We cannot accommodate shorter notice. If you are hoping to come within 4 business days, please fill out this form and also email jjones@virginia.edu.
  • Cancelations/changes: In order to prevent billing or be eligible for a refund, you must notify us of any changes to your reservation before 10:30 AM a day in advance of when the change would take effect.

    Submit a separate housing request for anyone who requires separate accommodations.

Personal Information
Contact Information
This information can help us locate you in case of emergency.
Emergency Contact (who will NOT be at MLBS)
Visit Details
Check in time is 4:00pm. Visits must be arranged three days in advance. If you are requesting within four days of today, complete this form AND email jjones@virginia.edu.
Check out time is 12:00pm.
List names and genders (for housing assignment purposes) of everyone requesting housing. Provide ages of any minors (12 or under) at time of visit.
Housing request
Course students, undergraduate researchers, and undergraduate artists will be assigned shared housing. Many other accommodations at MLBS are shared, especially during seasons of high use. If you require private housing, please confirm availability prior to arrival. These requests are not guaranteed and are subject to available space.
Dietary Restrictions

Indicate any food allergies, and if you have one of the following six dietary restrictions:

  • Vegetarian
  • Pescatarian
  • No red meat or pork
  • Vegan
  • Lactose intolerant
  • Gluten free

Meals are served cafeteria style. Quantities of menu items are based on the information folks provide here. Please be mindful of the restrictions you indicated here when you choose items from the serving line to ensure there is plenty for those with dietary restrictions.

Health & Comfort

Indicate any medical or personal needs that we should know and/or that might require special accommodation (e.g. allergies, disabilities, medication storage). Please also tell us anything we might find useful in providing for your safety, health, and comfort. Alternatively, you may email mlbs@virginia.edu or call 540-626-7196.

Other Notes
- Any other information that might be helpful to know as we make arrangements for you? 
- If this form includes 2+ people who will cohabitate but need to be billed separately, please indicate that here and provide each person's email.

Please review and submit your Housing Request. By clicking submit, you agree to receive occasional emails from us. You may unsubscribe at any time.
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