Aguilar, Kelly (Smith College). Mentor: Henry Wilbur (University of Virginia). Density and frequency dependent sexual selection in the Forked Fungus Beetle (Bolitotherus cornutus).
Bulka, Kim (Washington and Lee University). Mentor: David Marsh (Washington and Lee University). Does open habitat form a barrier to dispersal for the red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus)?
Cheely, George (Amherst College). Mentors: Michele Dudash and Charles Fenster (University of Maryland College Park). Quantifying the relationship between reward and advertisement in hummingbird-pollinated Fire Pink.
Conner, Cristin (University of Virginia). Mentor: Henry Wilbur (University of Virginia). Forest regeneration: Canopy tree seedling interaction with Thelypteris noveboracensis.
Imamura, Jennifer (Harvard University). Mentor: Eric Nagy (University of Virginia). Hybridization dynamics of Silene virginica and Silene caroliniana.
Johnson, Brenda (Ohio Wesleyan University). Mentor: Amy Pedersen (University of Virginia). Effects of intestinal parasites on the activity levels of Peromyscus.
Klopf, Ryan (College of William and Mary). Mentor: Johanna Kraus (University of Virginia). The effect of ammonium nitrate on odonate nymphs during various stages of development.
Kruszewski, Leah (University of Virginia). Mentor: Laura Galloway (University of Virginia). Cryptic self-incompatibility in Campanula americana.
McCreless, Erin (Yale University). Mentor: Amy Pedersen (University of Virginia). Costs and benefits of feces avoidance in Peromyscus.
Pasachnik, Stesha (Earlham College). Mentor: Gregory Ruthig (University of Virginia). Versatility of habitat use in three sympatric species of Plethodontid salamanders.
Stevens, Peter (Lawrence University). Mentors: Michele Dudash and Charles Fenster (University of Maryland College Park). The effects of hummingbird mediated selection on combinations of floral color and inflorescence height in Silene virginica (Caryophyllaceae).
Thakur, Kanishka (Washington and Lee University). Mentor:David Marsh (Washington and Lee University). Do red-backed salamanders cross open habitats?